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In 2023, were rendered 243 089 judgments in administrative tribunals, 32 144 judgments in administrative courts of appeal and 9 746 judgments in the Conseil d'État.

Administrative tribunals settle disputes between a public body and a private entity or between two public bodies. The Conseil d'État has jurisdiction over disputes concerning public liberties, administrative police, taxes, public contracts, the civil service, public health, competition rules, environmental law, and urban and regional development just to name a few. The Conseil d'État, being the supreme administrative jurisdiction in France, is pivotal to maintaining the relationship between citizens and public authorities. Only an administrative judge can quash or reformulate the decisions made by authorities exercising executive powers such as the central administration or entities that exercise delegated powers. With the evolving politico-socio context, administrative law disputes have correspondingly increased by an average of 10% in recent years.

Access a selection of the Conseil d’Etat’s judgments in our database in English

Decisions can be searched by date or theme.

Full translations for access to the legal reasoning behind judge’s decisions. Regular updates of both recent and older decisions !