Criminal proceedings during the health state of emergency: the urgent applications judge suspends the possibility of imposing video conferences
Lawyers’ professional associations asked the Conseil d’État to suspend, as a matter of urgency, provisions that allowed video conferences to be im ...
Brown bear warning shots – Decision dated 4 February
The appeal: Several environmental and wild animal associations called on the Conseil d'État to rule against firing warning shots to scare brown be ...
COVID-19 vaccination campaign
COVID-19 vaccination campaign: the decision not to include, as a matter of priority over the rest of the population, all inmates in the first phas ...
The urgent applications judge suspends the French government’s decision to interrupt the issue of family reunification visas
The urgent applications judge at the Conseil d’État has responded to applications by several associations by suspending the French government’s de ...
Amendment of provisions of the French Internal Security Code on personal data processing – Urgent decisions of 4 January 2021
Applications: Several associations and trade unions applied to the Conseil d’État to stay the execution of three decrees of 2 December 2020 amendi ...
Cinemas, theatres and performance venues: the urgent applications judge dismisses the suspension of closures in response to the deteriorating and uncertain health situation
The urgent applications judge at the Conseil d’État has held that the closure of arts venues is justified only by the recent deterioration in the ...
Alternative meals in school canteens, which are merely an option for regional authorities, do not clash with the principle of secularism when they are offered
The Conseil d’État ruled that it is neither mandatory nor prohibited for regional authorities to offer pupils special meals to ensure that they do ...
Winter sports: the Conseil d'État will not suspend the closure of ski lifts
On 4 December 2020, the French Prime Minister banned public access to lifts in ski resorts, with the exception of professionals and children who ar...
Closure of bars and restaurants, Decision made by urgent applications judge on 8 December
The appeal : The Union des Métiers et des Industries de l'Hôtellerie (UMIH, or the Union of Hotel Trades and Industries) has asked the...
Conseil d’État’s urgent applications judge rejects request for suspension of dissolution of Barakacity association
The Conseil d’État’s urgent applications judge ruled that the offending remarks of the chairman of the association can be attributed to the associ ...
Conseil d’État tests spoken dialogue prior to hearings
From now on and for an 18-month period, the most complex and sensitive cases may be enhanced by a spoken dialogue between the judges and the parti ...
The Conseil d’État’s urgent applications judge rejected the request for suspension of the closure of the Grande Mosquée de Pantin
The Conseil d’État’s urgent applications judge ruled that the remarks made by the leaders of the Grande Mosquée de Pantin and the ideas or theorie ...
Greenhouse gas emissions: The Government must justify within 3 months that the reduction path to 2030 can be achieved
For the first time, the Conseil d’Etat had to rule on a case regarding the fulfilment of France’s commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. ...
The provisions protecting a taxpayer against changes in the interpretation of tax laws do not apply in case of artificial arrangements
Sitting in its highest judicial body i.e. the Litigation Assembly, the Conseil d’Etat considers that Article L. 80 A of the Tax Procedures Book, w ...
ELI Webinar on Back to Normal: Checks and Balances (Legislator/Judiciary)
On the 4th of June, a webinar organized by the European Law Institute was held on the theme of checks and balances during the Covid-19 outbreak. A ...
The Conseil d’Etat affirms the existence of State liability for loss and damage resulting from an unconstitutional law
In three decisions released today, the Conseil d’Etat judges that anyone can obtain compensation from the State for the loss and damage they suffe ...
Interruption of treatment for Mr Vincent Lambert
The Conseil d’État has deemed it legal for Mr Vincent’s life support to be stopped.
Airport rail link to Paris Charles-de-Gaulle Airport
The Conseil d’Etat approves the changes made to “CDG Express” airport rail link project
Adoption by ACA-Europe of a resolution on Rule of law
On may 15th 2018, ACA-Europe* has adopted a resolution wherein it expresses its grave concerns over developments in some member states that threat ...
Regulated tariffs for electricity sales
The Conseil d’Etat admits the lawfulness of regulated tariffs for electricity sales but partially quashes the tariffs for 2017
Tax legislation for virtual currencies
The Conseil d'Etat rules on tax consequences of the sale or exchange of virtual currencies
Regulated tariffs for the supply of natural gas
The Conseil d’Etat judges that the continuation of regulated tariffs for the supply of natural gas is contrary to E.U. law.
Right to be delisted
The Conseil d’Etat has requested the European Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling on a series of questions concerning the implementation of ...
Asylum: list of safe countries of origin
Reject of appeals against the deliberation of the Board of OFPRA fixing the list of "safe countries of origin"
Administrative Courts and International Arbitration
The Council of State specifies the features of its review of an international arbitration award.
Display of Nativity scenes by public authorities
In two rulings today, the French administrative supreme court, the Conseil d’Etat, specifies the conditions under which the temporary display of N ...
A selection of the Conseil d’État's judgments available in 5 langages
Since December 2014, the Conseil d’État's website has provided a selection of its judgments, fully translated into English, German, Spanish, Chine ...
The Council of State orders a decision banning clothes demonstrating an obvious religious affiliation to be suspended.
The urgent applications judge of the Council of State orders a decision banning clothes demonstrating an obvious religious affiliation, worn by sw ...
Search of premises under the state of emergency
6th of July 2016 – Opinion (Avis contentieux)
Posthumous Insemination
The Conseil d’Etat orders the gametes belonging to the applicant’s deceased husband to be exported to Spain in order for her to proceed to a posth ...