Bilateral seminar at the Israeli Supreme Court (Jerusalem, 30 October 2021)
A delegation of five members of the Council of State, led by Vice-President Bruno Lasserre, visited Israel for a bilateral seminar with the Israel ...
Unemployment insurance: new benefit calculation rules are not suspended
The Conseil d’État’s urgent applications judge, acting on a referral by several trade unions, did not suspend the decree setting the date for the ...
Traditional bird hunting: the Conseil d’État’s urgent applications judge suspends new authorisations
The Conseil d’État’s urgent applications judge, acting on a referral by two animal protection associations, suspended new authorisations to hunt s ...
Hierarchical minimum wages (SMH): the Conseil d’État sets the rules
Following a referral by trade unions and an employers’ organisation, the Conseil d’État handed down a decision today that clarifies the powers of ...
Working seminar at the Council of State of Belgium
On October 1, 2021, a delegation from the Council of State, led by its vice president Bruno Lasserre, was received at the Council of State of Belg ...
Working seminar at the European Court of Human Rights
A delegation of eight members of the Council of State, led by Vice-President Bruno Lasserre, visited the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in ...
Bilateral Franco-Hellenic seminar at the Council of State
On 23 and 24 September 2021, Bruno Lasserre, Vice-President of the Council of State, welcomed a delegation from the Greek Council of State led by ...
Visit of the Vice-President of the Council of State to the United States (September 13-18, 2021)
The vice-president of the Council of State visited Washington DC and Boston, United States, on September 13-18, 2021. Several themes were discusse ...
Shopping malls in the Alpes-Maritimes département: The Conseil d'Etat decides not to suspend the obligation to have a health pass
In response to an urgent request submitted by a number of private individuals, the urgent applications judge has ruled against suspending the obli ...
Afghanistan: given the context and the progress made, the judge does not order new measures for the issuing of visas for family reunification
Two Afghan nationals benefiting from subsidiary protection appealed to the Conseil d'État as part of an urgent application to obtain that th...
Trip to Helsinki on September 6, 2021
Mr. Bruno Lasserre, Vice-President of the Council of State, accompanied by Ms. Martine de Boisdeffre, President of the Department on Reports and S ...
Afghanistan: control of evacuation operations does not fall within the remit of administrative justice
Four Afghan nationals, three of whom are beneficiaries of subsidiary protection and one of whom is a refugee, have made an urgent appeal to the Con...
The Conseil d’État rules that several traditional bird hunting techniques are illegal
Today, the Conseil d’État, acting on a referral by two animal protection associations, cancelled several authorizations to hunt lapwings, golden p ...
Air pollution: Conseil d’État orders Government to pay 10 million euros
In July 2020, the Conseil d’État ordered the Government to take action to improve air quality in several areas in France, under penalty of a fine ...
Pesticides: Conseil d'Etat orders rules on use to be amended to protect the public more effectively
The new rules on the spraying of pesticides in agriculture, introduced by the Government at the end of 2019, were challenged before the Conseil d' ...
The Conseil d'Etat's urgent applications judge does not suspend the extension of the health pass
The Conseil d'Etat's urgent applications judge did not suspend the extension of the health pass to cultural and leisure establishments and venues ...
Bilateral seminar between the French Conseil d’Etat and the German Federal Administrative Court
On July 22 to 23, 2021, the Conseil d’Etat hosted the Federal Administrative Court of Germany, led by its President, Mr. Klaus Rennert. This meeti ...
Management package for company executives: The Conseil d'État rules that earnings must be taxed as salary if they are related to the performance of duties
In order to align the interests of their executives or employees with those of their shareholders, many companies offer share acquisition schemes ...
Franco-Spanish bilateral seminar
A delegation led by the Vice-President of the Conseil d’Etat Bruno Lasserre was welcomed on Friday July 9 in Madrid, first by Spanish Tribuna...
The Conseil d’État publishes its assessment and proposals regarding the authorities’ investigative powers
The Conseil d’État today published its study of the French authorities’ audit and investigation powers with regard to companies and citizens. In t ...
The Conseil d'État decides not to suspend France’s “health pass”
The association “La Quadrature du Net” applied to the Conseil d’État’s urgent applications judge with a request for the suspension of France’s “he ...
Access to “classified defence” archives must be possible with no prior procedures once the legal deadlines for non-disclosure have expired
Since 2011, the Government has imposed a declassification procedure before “classified defence” archives can be accessed. Archivists and historian ...
Brancusi’s “The Kiss” must remain in Montparnasse cemetery
Created by Constantin Brancusi in 1909, the sculpture “The Kiss” adorns the tomb of Tatiana Rachewskaia in Montparnasse cemetery in Paris. The Fre ...
Greenhouse gas emissions: the Conseil d’État annuls the Government’s refusal to take additional measures and orders it to take these measures before 31 March 2022
The municipality of Grande-Synthe and several associations asked the Conseil d'État to annul the Government’s refusal to take additional measures ...
The Conseil d’État rules that glue trap hunting is illegal
In response to requests from animal protection associations, calling for a ban on glue trap hunting, and by hunting federations, calling for the p ...
Unemployment insurance: the new rules for calculating the benefit have been suspended
Unhappy with upcoming reforms to unemployment insurance, several trade unions asked the urgent applications judge of the Conseil d’État to suspend ...
The Conseil d’État looks back over 2020
Public liberties, sustainable development, health, the economy, terrorism, personal data, employment rights, education... France’s Conseil d’État ...
Open-air election meetings are allowed without size limits and in compliance with health regulations
Ms Clémentine Autain and the political association “La France insoumise” asked the urgent applications judge attached to France’s Conseil d’Etat t ...
Kettling, accreditation of journalists... France’s Conseil d’Etat cancels several points of the law-and-order scheme
Further to applications filed by several associations and trade unions, the Conseil d’Etat has declared several points of the law-and-order scheme ...
The closure of nightclubs is justified for the time being because these venues present particular risks
Several organisations representing nightclub professionals have asked the Conseil d'Etat's urgent applications judge to order the Government to au ...