ACA-Europe Annual General Meeting and Seminar, Inari (Finland)
During this visit, a symposium on Climate, environment and land use was held at the Sami Parliament on 26 May, with the President of the Parliament...
TikTok in New Caledonia: ban on the social media platform not suspended
In response to a petition from voluntary organisations and private individuals, the urgent applications judge of the Conseil d’Etat did not suspen ...
SOS Méditerranée – local authorities can grant subsidies to international humanitarian projects under certain conditions
The Conseil d'État today ruled on three subsidies granted by local authorities to humanitarian organisation SOS Méditerranée. In doing so, it note ...
Access to administrative courts: The Conseil d'Etat adopts the "postmark as proof" rule for appeals sent by post
In a decision handed down today, the Conseil d'État has amended its procedure to simplify the rules for lodging appeals with an administrative cou ...
Bilateral Franco-Hellenic seminar at the Greek Council of State
On the 25th and the 26th of April 2024, a delegation from the Conseil d’État led by its Vice President, Didier-Roland Tabuteau, went to Athens for ...
The Conseil d’État issues a reminder of the rules guaranteeing the independence and impartiality of administrative justice
In considering an appeal lodged by the Bouches-du-Rhône department, the Conseil d'État, in its most solemn session, reiterated the rules guarantee ...
Plant-based steaks, escalopes and ham: the Conseil d'État again suspends the ban on the use of these names, pending a response from the CJEU
In a case brought before the Conseil d’État by a number of French companies, the urgent applications judge suspended a new decree that bans the us ...
Online access to pornographic content – the Conseil d’État refers the issue of protecting minors to the Court of Justice of the European Union
Two Czech website publishers appealed to the Conseil d'État, challenging the provisions that give ARCOM (French audiovisual and digital communicat ...
Price-setting procedure for use of rail network by French regions ruled unlawfulferré par les régions : la procédure de fixation des tarifs a été irrégulière
In a case brought by seven French regions and Île-de-France Mobilités, the Conseil d'État today ruled that SNCF Réseau had not followed due proces ...
Pluralism and independence: Arcom must re-examine compliance with its obligations by CNews
Ruling on a matter brought before it by the organisation Reporters sans frontières, the Conseil d’État found that to assess compliance by a televi ...
Franco-Luxembourger bilateral seminar on January 19, 2024
On January 19, 2024, Didier-Roland Tabuteau, Vice-President of the Conseil d'État, received a delegation from the Administrative Court and the Con ...
The Conseil d’État’s urgent applications judge revokes exemptions to temporary fishing bans in the Bay of Biscay
In March 2023, in a case brought by several environmental groups, the Conseil d’État ordered the Government to act within six months to close fish ...
Storage of radioactive waste: the Conseil d’État confirms that the Cigéo project is in the public interest
A number of environmental groups have appealed to the Conseil d'État to have Cigéo, the deep geological disposal site for radioactive waste in the ...
Air Pollution: the Conseil d'État orders the State to pay two fines of 5 million euros
The Conseil d'État had previously fined the French government for its failure to take the necessary measures to meet the European air pollution th ...
Soulèvements de la Terre, GALE, Alvarium and CRI: the Conseil d’État clarifies the criteria for dissolving associations and groups
Since 2021, the law has enabled the dissolution of associations or de facto groups that incite violence against people or property (1) . In respons...
Pro-Palestinian demonstrations: Prefects must decide, on a case-by-case basis, whether the risk to public order justifies a ban
Today, the Conseil d’État’s urgent applications judge dismissed the case brought by an association against the Interior Minister's telegram bannin ...
Visit by a delegation from the Court of Justice of the European Union
Discriminatory identity checks – Determining public policy is not the role of the Conseil d'État
Six organisations brought a class action before the Conseil d'État in an attempt to put an end to the practice of discriminatory identity checks. ...
Law enforcement agencies – the Conseil d'État instructs the Government to ensure that personal identification numbers are worn by police and are readable
Following an appeal by several organisations, the Conseil d'État today instructed the Minister of the Interior and Overseas Territories to take al ...
An honorary judge can legally be appointed to the High Council of the Judiciary
Today, in response to an appeal by the Syndicat de la Magistrature (magistrates' trade union), the Conseil d’État first recognised that it is the ...
Artificialisation of soils – the regulatory mechanism for implementing the act is condemned for failing to define the scale of “artificialised” areas
In response to an appeal by the Association des Maires de France (AMF), the Conseil d'État today ruled on the regulatory mechanism for implementin ...
In the interests of secularism, the Conseil d'État rejects a second appeal against the ban on wearing the abaya in schools
The Conseil d'État’s urgent applications judge has turned down an appeal by two organisations and a trade union for a summary suspension of the ba ...
Judging, advising and making proposals - the Conseil d'État plays a key role in regulating and improving public prosecution The Conseil d'État’s 2nd annual meeting at start of the new session
On Wednesday 6 September 2023, the Conseil d'État held its second annual meeting after the summer break. It was attended by the Prime Minister, se ...
In the interests of secularism, the Conseil d'État dismisses the application for interim measures against a ban on wearing the abaya in schools
The Conseil d'État’s urgent applications judge has dismissed an organisation's application for interim measures against the ban on wearing the aba ...
The Conseil d'État suspends the dissolution of the climate activist group, Les Soulèvements de la Terre
Sitting on a panel of three Councillors of State, the Conseil d'État's urgent applications judge today suspended the dissolution of Les Soulèvemen ...
Bilateral Franco-Polish seminar at the Council of State 6 and 7 July 2023
On 6 and 7 July 2023, the Council of State welcomed a delegation from the Polish Supreme Administrative Court (Naczelny Sad Administracyjny)*, led ...
The Conseil d'État upholds the French Football Federation’s ban on wearing “any sign or clothing clearly showing political, philosophical, religious or union affiliation” during play, rejecting petitions.
A petition was brought before the Conseil d'État by two associations that wanted the French Football Federation (FFF) to authorise the wearing of ...
Use of drones for law enforcement purposes: the Conseil d’État rejects the request to suspend government decree
The Conseil d’État's urgent applications judge has rejected an appeal, brought by an individual and an organisation, to suspend the decree impleme ...
La Talaudière Prison in Saint-Étienne: the Conseil d’État orders 7 additional measures to improve living conditions for prisoners
In a case brought by two associations, the Conseil d’État's urgent applications judge today ordered La Talaudière Prison (Saint-Étienne) to take s ...
Greenhouse gas emissions: the Government must take new measures and submit an initial report by the end of the year
In a case brought by the town of Grande-Synthe, the Conseil d'État had ordered the Government to take all necessary measures, by 31 March 2022, to ...