Franco-israeli Seminar, May 9-11,2023
A delegation from the Israeli Supreme Court* led by its President, Mrs Esther Hayut, was welcomed at the Council of State on Thursday May 11, 2023 ...
Hospitals: the urgent applications judge upholds the remuneration framework for temporary doctors
The Conseil d’État's urgent applications judge today rejected a request by the SNMRH (Syndicat national des médecins remplaçants dans les hôpitaux ...
Renovation of lycées in the 1990s: the Conseil d'Etat confirms that the Ile-de-France region brought the case before the courts in due time
On the grounds of prescription, several public works companies had appealed to the Conseil d'Etat against the ruling that ordered them to compensa ...
Neonicotinoids: no exemptions to the European ban
Following a ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union on 19 January this year, the Conseil d’État has ruled that the derogations to the ...
A69 motorway: the felling of trees has already been suspended until September
Following a petition from an environmental organisation, the urgent applications judge of the Conseil d’État found today that the felling of trees ...
Lottery and gambling rights: the monopoly of La Française des Jeux is justified on the grounds of public order and control of the risk of addiction
In response to a petition by a voluntary organisation and several lottery and gambling companies, the Conseil d’État found today that the monopoly ...
Franco-Swedish bilateral seminar at the Council of State
Part of the sea fishing season for eel is temporarily suspended
Following appeals from two environmental organisations, the Conseil d’Etat’s urgent applications judge has temporarily suspended the sea fishing s ...
The painting “Fuck abstraction!" by Miriam Cahn can remain on display in the Palais de Tokyo
In response to a petition by several voluntary organisations, the urgent applications judge of the Conseil d’État found today that the display of ...
The freeze on Russian real estate – publishing property owners’ names is legal
Following European measures taken in response to the war in Ukraine, the French Government issued a decree to allow the publication of the names o ...
Accidental capture of small cetaceans: the Government must act within six months to ensure the survival of dolphins and porpoises in the Bay of Biscay
In response to appeals from three associations, the Conseil d'Etat today ordered the Government to close fishing areas in the Bay of Biscay for ap ...
Job protection plans, collective contractual termination: the Conseil d'État specifies the rules
Ten years ago, the legislator entrusted the administrative judge with disputes relating to "severance schemes", i.e. disputes relating to the vali ...
The conversions of shops into dark stores must be authorised by the City of Paris
Today, the Conseil d’État found that so-called dark stores are warehouses under the meaning of the French Town Planning Code and the local town pl ...
Bilateral Franco-Dutch seminar at the Council of State
After numerous postponements due to the Covid epidemic, the Council of State welcomed a delegation from the Dutch Council of State*, led by its vi ...
Bilateral seminar : the Council of State visits the German Federal Finance Court
On 6 and 7 February 2023, the Council of State visited Munich for a bilateral seminar at the German Federal Finance Court (Bundesfinanzhof). This ...
Rising energy prices: the exceptional increase in the amount of nuclear energy sold off by EDF to its competitors in 2022 is legal
In response to an appeal by EDF and its employee and shareholder organisations, the Conseil d’État today ruled that the Government’s decision to i ...
Violent evacuation of Montpellier University in 2018: the disciplinary sanction imposed on Jean-Luc Coronel de Boissezon upon appeal is too lenient and must be revised
For his involvement in the violent removal of students occupying the amphitheatre of Montpellier University in 2018, Jean-Luc Coronel de Boissezon ...
CBD: Annulment of the order prohibiting the sale of cannabis flowers and leaves with no intoxicating effects
The Conseil d’État has annulled the order of 30 December 2021 prohibiting the sale of cannabis flowers and leaves with THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) ...
Flamanville EPR reactor: weld repair work and operating tests may go ahead
Several organisations had asked the Conseil d’État to annul the additional time allowed for the performance of weld repair work on the EPR reactor ...
The Conseil d’État sets out the rules for construction work and protecting endangered species
Organisations may need to obtain a “protected species” exemption to carry out certain building works and other projects. Today, the Conseil d’État ...
The Conseil d’État rescinds the list of fruit and vegetables that can still be sold in plastic packaging
The French Law on preventing waste and the circular economy gave the Government the task of creating a list of fruit and vegetables that present ...
Traditional bird hunting: the 2021-2022 authorisations are unlawful
After suspending them in an interim ruling last year, the Conseil d’État today found that the authorisations granted for the traditional hunting o ...
Ocean Viking: the Conseil d’État dismisses the appeal asking for the emergency cessation of the temporary waiting area in which some passengers have been held
The urgent applications judge of the Conseil d’État today dismissed the appeal from the national association for border assistance to foreigners ( ...
The Swiss Federal Court at the Council of State to discuss three major contemporary issues
On 27 and 28 October 2022, the Council of State hosted the Swiss Federal Court as part of the institution's ongoing dialogue with its European cou ...
Roadworthiness testing for two-wheeled motor vehicles must be implemented
Today, the Conseil d’État found that the French government's decision of 25 July 2022 to repeal a decree requiring the testing of two-wheeled moto ...
“Climate litigation” at the heart of the 19th annual conference of the European Union Forum of Judges for the Environment
The Council of State hosted the 19th annual conference of the European Forum of Judges for the Environment (EUFJE) on 24 and 25 October 2022. Whil ...
Traditional skylark hunting: the urgent applications judge of the Conseil d’État suspends new authorisations
After the matter was brought before the urgent applications judge of the Conseil d’État by two animal protection organisations a few days ago, the ...
Air pollution: the Conseil d'État orders the French State to pay two fines of €10 million
After ordering the French State in 2017 to comply with European standards regarding air quality that have been incorporated into French law, the C ...
The annual accounts of a corporate foundation that does not receive public subsidies need not be disclosed
Under the law, public authorities are prohibited from disclosing documents to third parties when such disclosure would violate privacy. The Consei ...
Making Social Media more User-Centred
Social media have revolutionised our society and led to major democratic, economic, social and environmental challenges. Following the recent adop ...